Post your "First fixed gear bicycle"

I didn’t think I even had a photo of it but this is my first. I had it for about a month before building my first road conversion.

This is my first and only fixie at this point (considering that I am a still a complete rookie when it comes to fixed gear riding).
Her name is Cherry Darling and I found her in Savers for twenty dollars. Eighty dollars later this is the result. Soon to be revamped.

^Please level the saddle. It hurts me just looking at it.

Sorry for injuring your poor eyes but I’ve been having trouble finding a position that doesn’t make me want disown my lady part.

hmm, that’s unfortunate. If it hurts with the saddle level then you could be leaning over too much (ie. to long a stem) or the saddle could be too far forward of back. Lots of things could be wrong, but other than very rare cases, almost everyone benefits from having a level saddle. Maybe go to your LBS and ask them, if they don’t help, they’re bums.

Thanks, might have to go and ask about it. I’ve ridden my boyfriend’s bike and it felt a lot better to ride but he’s stem is a considerably longer than mine. Is there such an issue of not leaning forward enough?

Sure is. I doubt it would cause the problem your having. Thing is, there are so many variables, it’s impossible to tell onlinez. Best get it checked out at your LBS, cos that shit is whack. Hope it helped, and sorry to put a dampener on your first fixed joy.

Its quite alright. I’m in need of a good teaching when it comes to my ride. I joined this forum to get it so thank you for giving me a few leads & helping me out :slight_smile:

Its quite alright. I’m in need of a good teaching when it comes to my ride. I joined this forum to get it so thank you for giving me a few leads & helping me out :slight_smile:

If it’s fixed also get some foot retention

As mentioned it could be a number of things… But maybe your lady part is begging for a different saddle? I tried riding with a Rolls, and I couldn’t even get 200m down the street without being in agony. I had to have mine seriously angled down with all the pressure on my wrists until I got my old saddle back.

P.S. Nice job with the budget, I wish I could do stuff so cheaply.

You should get that lazy boyfriend of yours to come over and fix it all up for you.
Also, shitty saddle is shitty, crap birthday present from me, but it was good when it was on your cruiser. Perhaps it’s just not suited to leaning forward?
I’ll have a chat to Andy at bears and see if he can get you a chicks racing saddle.

my stem is pretty long :wink:

Now, now, you’re being harsh on yourself. I wouldn’t call you lazy… But yes, perhaps I should get you to come over and look at the beast. I don’t think my seat is cutting it anymore. Its pretty much just a comfort saddle for cruisers, right?
What’s a good saddle in terms of female riders? Or are they just all pretty unisex in terms of function?
Sorry for straying off topic guys; ignore if you wish or alternatively bludgeon me if necessary.

My first fixed from 2006

Allegro ‘Track’
Bought it complete and painted it before I built it up.
Rebuilt the wheels with DT Swiss and Alloy nips
This bike has had bullhorns/drops and risers and was SS for a while too.

I know it’s not a track bike, but it was fixed. My first fixed ride was identical to this, just without the decals: -

I used to commute on this beast everyday to high school in the mid/late 90’s, was a good ride. Got a pic somewhere of me riding it backwards (One of the only tricks I was good at)…

ha! i knew she was your missus. they’re so aren’t more than two people in narre warren.

also, first fixed gear is on the way. built from the ground up. i’m so excited a bit of wee came out.

There’s like, 2million people in narre. And abOut 4 cycists.

My first from 2006, an Abeni, Europa… until it got totalled by an idiot turning into oncoming traffic. Pity…

This is embarrassing…

Cecil Walker conversion made from Tange 2 (bloody heavy) and too big for me… nevertheless it was a fun ride and got me hooked at the start of 2007!

Loved that bike Nexus!
