Random Rides

Yo, I’ve got tomorrow pretty much free if anyone is keen for a river loop or something more extensive, airport, cleveland loop or whatever. Hit me up, cruise or smashing whatever…

Anyone want to do a river loop / any other loop later this afternoon or early tonight ?

Will be doing a river loop starting at the regatta at about 6:30-7 if anyone wants to join. Swing me a PM so I get it on my phone

Late notice but anyone sitting around? I’m gonna get a loop in…

And gone.

Any one wanna ride today?

meet you at the sign in fixxay tag at 9ish

see ya there.

Going to a loop soonish, in practice for tomorrowww, anyone keen?

Edit:::: and im off

Anyone keen for a fully sic hectic wet skid loop this arvo?? Maybe 4ish??

Im keeeeeen, meet where at 4?

Been stooged sorry man, never gonna make it :frowning:

nah its all g, next time bro.

Anyone want to cruise today around 5:30

I could be up for that hey, 5:30 @ gear?

yup sounds good. Any ideas on route?

Bike tag (cause Scott’s lazy) then loop hey?

Yeah sounds good. I’ve been looking for that tag on google for ages but no luck.

Ima come along.

Anyone keen for Thursday night riding tonight?
