
• screen print more
• make music and play live
• cut down on junk food snacks at work
• be a better husband and father
• try and get a handle on my stupid anxiety
• get a new job

Ended up with 314 rides on 178 days over the year, so failed. Did over 6,200kms. Just 180kms shy of my best distance covered in a year. Saw a distinct drop off in the number of rides/kms covered from June onwards when we started working towards moving to Melbourne. And now we are here, everything is so close, I just don’t rack up the km’s anymore.

NFI about this years resolutions.

Get out on the bike on a regular basis to prevent dark thoughts.
Stick to our monthly budget.

Hi Geoff,

Hope you get to do lots of things you love to prevent the dark thoughts from coming. There’s not much that is more important.

Pretty much failed already.

Sort of
Kind of
So so
Only 2
Kind of
Didnt go as planned.

New job
Save hard
Less junk
Finish projects
Get fitter
Ride more
Meet a nice girl

First week back after a break is tough, find myself reaching for my next fix just to keep me on the level. It’s bound to get easier.

You don’t want to ride to Johor Baru anyway. It’s a shithole.

I found that BYOing my own snacks made a big difference.
A quick stop at woolies/coles/IGA as part of your commute means you can provide your own (hopefully) better choices. Stuff like rice crackers, trail mix, etc.

Yeah it’s a little more work than walking to the nearest snack machine or out of the office but for me it’s been way better. Stock that desk drawer…

It is also cheaper :wink:

Don’t think I made resolutions last year. This year:

  1. Complete thesis draft by June(ish).
  2. Ride 2-3 times a week, especially through winter.
  3. Begin to formulate post-phd plan, ie. postdocs etc.
  4. Manage stress at key times of the year by exercising/cutting back drinking (three alcohol free days a week)/making lists.
  5. Get a (another) dog.
  6. Get a six pack.

I have Coles opposite work… but everyone is bringing in unwanted chocolate gifts from Christmas l.

resolutions don’t need to be so black & white zoltan. just aim to eat less crap, but don’t beat yourself up if you occasionally do (or if it’s free xmas chocolate).

I’m gonna learn to braid my hair, do what i can when i can, and eat less meat.

Tough combo

might just takes heaps of clen!

cut back drinking. get a six pack.

it’s working already!

Kinda turned this around after exams but average mark was fail
Fail, way too lofty

Be a good doctor
Ride 2000kms over the year
Don’t study after-hours for the whole year
Be an emotionally present father and not just in body
1 x overseas trip with the fam
Treat my wife like the goddess she is

I was listening to a podcast yesterday or the day before, who said most people fail at their resolutions because they write the list of resolutions and then don’t put into plan how they are going to achieve them.

For example, if you write that you want to run a marathon, what is the next step to get you to running a marathon. If you’ve never run before, you probably want to run around the block a few times, or get some running shoes or something equally similar.

Reading this thread, that seems to happen to a few of us. We write these lists and only assess it at the end of the year, maybe achieved those goals with little effort or change in habits towards achieving our resolutions.

Maybe that can be the plan for week two of the year. ‘Now you’ve made your resolutions, how in the world are you going to achieve them!’

Totally agree. I’ve lost 4kg in the past 4 weeks and it’s all because I actually put into action a plan to do it. I’m tracking all the food and kj I’m eating using MyFitnessPal, weighing myself regularly and am eating heaps of low kj foods and cut down the chocolate and junk by about 90%. Key to the last part is substituting in heaps of good food to stave off the hunger. This book really helpedand isn’t at all like the normal dietary fad wank that’s out there.

Seems I didn’t bother making an resolutions last year. For 2018:
Keep eating well and get below 85kg
Go on at least 4 decent (4+ day) bikepacking trips. I’ve already started planning and booking them in so that’s a good start.

Not sure what my goals are this year

Family holiday to Fiji is on the cards, so probably that
Ride faster would be good too, FTP up by about 15% last year, see if I can get another 10% or so this year, but not really that fussed…
Just keep on #dadlyf and #worklyf i guess!

A bit of a check up on last years goals.

Consume Less - quality over quantity
It is easy to buy things all the time with online shopping only a click away. My aim is to think about each purchase and make sure that the purchase will fit into my life and will last. Which sort of moves into the next one…
I think I did this quite well, as you all know and I apologise for… I like to research everything to make sure that my money is spent well. Sometimes this ends up not being a purchase which points out that I didn’t really need it in the first place. I will continue this over this year and probably for a long time.

Dress better + dress smarter
In the past I had up to 50 shirts in my wardrobe. My aim is fill the wardrobe with quality clothes that will last and support those brands that offer lifetime warranties/repairs.
Kind of - my wardrobe has slimmed down, I have bought some Patagonia, Icebreaker and Swrve items. However, I don’t think I am dressing any better. My fashion sense is fkn bland.

Finish the renovation
I hope to be in the house by the first half of this year
Tick - moved into the house in May

Start the landscaping
By the end of this year I would love to have fruit trees, bee hive, plans for a chicken coop and to have my yard…
Failed, we have machinery coming in next week to level the yard so I can start the landscaping.

Get a dog
… puppy proofed.
Failed - No dog.

Ride through winter
It is easy to not ride through winter, I would like to keep spinning and make riding part of who I am again.
Failed - I will need to purchase some proper cycling gear for this.

Plan that holiday
Mt Buller with some of the FoA crew, Tasmania, NZ
No holiday planned - Fail.

Buy an adventure bike
Head out on an overnighter, or a multi nighter
Tick - Kona Sutra LTD. Did head on a multi nighter, but it turned into an overnighter.