Riddle me that alleycat 16/7

Alight so sorry for the wait, I’ve been busy with things not important to you. Obviously I’ve already thanked everybody so I won’t do that again, but for the people too soft, lazy and/or busy to come, whatever the reason may be here’s a little of what you missed out on.

Map, with marked points. Printed on A4 Colour this made up part of what riders received at the start point, which is also marked on the map.

These instructions were A4 and were printed on the other side of the map, also in colour.

These slips were given to out by the check pointers, at the checkpoints. Each colour code was approximately a 1/3 of an A4 sheet of paper and also printed in colour.

All you had to do is go to the question mark to get questions and then answer the question by going to the coloured star. Not overly hard I thought, but apparently not, as I had to explain. I think everyone was alright once that happened, but if not, tough luck – colours aren’t usually that confusing. Some people were also confused by some of the riddles, some not so much. With 56 maps handed out, we had 28 finishers, the rest turned up sporadically and with longnecks.
The Finish point was also not marked on the map. The location of the end point was revealed when you went to the black question mark.

Here are our winners (all who got a dodgy medal made by myself):
Overall Male:
1st – Henri took home a Skingrowsback toptube pad, knog skink light set, Bikes Move Us T-shirt and a Big gold Hell on Wheels Sticker!

2nd – Tom took home a lovely BO gear Love handle, Bikes Move Us T-shirt, Focale 44 pedal straps and a big white Hell on Wheels sticker. Tom was one of our RAD sponsors and had donated the Hell on Wheels and Focale 44 stuff!

3rd – Nath/Jerk (he asked for it to be written) took home Knog Gloves and a Skin Grows Back U-lock holder.

Overall Female:

1st – Michelle was lucky to take home Focale 44 bar and stem combo, Candy Cranks chainring, Big Gold Hell on Wheels Sticker and the yellow malliot jaune (yellow Hell on Wheels t-shirt)

2nd – Sarah went home happy with a nice big white Hell on Wheels Sticker and Blue T-shirt, Skin Grows Back pouch and a set of Strap ons (By BO Gear :wink: )

3rd – Haidee got an awesome tube repair patch kit from knog, and a set of Knog leather gloves.

Most correct – Male and Female. These are the heroes of the night, correctly answering all the questions and the riddle. Getting the Most correct prize (must to the dismay of the boys from Wollongong)
Haidee and Alex both received a Knog cycling hat and T-shirt!

Dead FUCKING LAST went to Dean and James – for their efforts they received a $100 cycling express gift voucher!

With extra prizes to be given out, I challenged anyone to ride across the water feature and back again. First two would receive a Knog light set. Henri jumped at the opportunity shortly followed by Nat.

I still had a bunch of BO gear pouches and Porno Patches (by Knog) which I distributed among my excellent checkpointer’s! Thank you Nat, Nick, Justin, Felix, Andy and Jarod.
Group shot fo’ sho’

These photos are taken by the excellent and wonderful photographer: Nick
Nicholas Bucher Photography - Wall | Facebook
More images can be found here:
Riddle Me That Alleycat | SPAMVENTDOCUMENT

Looks like an awesome event!! I’m tripping out at the other Henri… I’ve never met (or even heard of) another Henri, in Perth, or the 19 years I lived in Sydney ha weird!!!

…he’s from france.

Sorry to rain on your “I’m not alone anymore party” but it is Henry… user hpallet. I guess you’ll just have to settle for being unique :slight_smile:

And French? Really? Maybe he has a French background but he seems about as French as a didgeridoo. At a distance you could confuse it for a baguette, I suppose.