Saturday Morning Ride!! 9 May

yep, im in.

was a great ride and great weather to match.

antman, can you get mrs ant to whip up another batch of those muffins they were sweet!

Yeah, muffins will be there. Specific variety is yet to be confirmed…

The poppy seeds didn’t show up in my blood test - you might have to make these ones ‘magical green’ muffins.

I guess we wouldn’t have to worry about a road route then…

“Roads… where we’re going we don’t need roads!”

i’ll be there! i hope.

:-o If these muffins are as good as everyone says they are… I’ll be there. I’m racking my brain trying to think of an excuse to not come; too early… pfft soft. Too cold… pfft… softer. My bikes got a flat… that was my last excuse (except it really happened like 5 times - just ask bender & hold fast!)

So… I’ll drink a glass of cement and harden the fuck up! Cya’s all there this Sat!

So… I’ll drink a glass of cement and harden the fuck up!


Hot off the press…

Tomorrows muffins will be:

Apple and Cinnamon

how long would the ride take to complete?

Mmmmm Appley and cinnamoney mmmm…

Oh Cath, she knows me to well… :smiley:

Riverloop should take know more then a hour and abit. Dependent on pace and if we extend the loop or not.

id be a little worried dan… seems to me like gypo is bragging… :smiley: :smiley:

Riverloop should take know more then a hour and abit. Dependent on pace and if we extend the loop or not.

What no airport loop again? that was a good ride last week with long straight roads and minimal traffic.

took an 1hr 20 m last Sat…

Riverloop should take know more then a hour and abit. Dependent on pace and if we extend the loop or not.

What no airport loop again? that was a good ride last week with long straight roads and minimal traffic.

took an 1hr 20 m last Sat…

Antmandan wants to do riverloop. I personally missed the airport loop last weekend, but i reckon its heaps better then a riverloop. Riverloops you can do all the time by yourself. Airports i never do by myself in case something goes wrong. I vote airport! I think it will be decided in the morning.

Alternatively we can ride out to scarbrough :? Nice ride out there, flat with some slopey sections… Although the old Hornibrook bridge on the ass is hell! Neverless it good to mix up the riding routes and keep it interesting.

Oh we can smash ICB on the way home :evil: Thats if people are keen. Get to SPIN it up through the tunnel and go f-f-f-f-f-fast :smiley:

I’m not pressed either way. Airport loop was a lot of fun and I’d be happy to hit it again, now that we know which way to go it should be a snack. I agree with the point that riverloop can be done easily as a single. Whereas the airport is better done in a group and early in the day (no way would I consider the last section on my own!).

I woke up this morning at 5:45am thinking I’d forgotten to set my alarm! I made it as far as writting half a text message to one of you boys by the time I realised that it was Friday :-P.

airport loop was great n id happily hit that shit again

definitely be keen to mash the icb on the way home too gypo :evil:

Airport was nice! lots of pace, without too much strain

0530 again at Gear?

Roger that.

Good roll this morning peeps! Particularly enjoyed watching Gypo’s CX skills!

Very enjoyable this morning gents… Once i wamred the lungs! :smiley:

I AM CALLING IT! Pending the weather of course…

Saturday morning group ride
Rolling from GearBrisbane @ 6:00am sharp!!
Airport Loop

I got a job trial Friday night at a bar. Should only be brief, but if i get made to stay til late/early morning (which i am sure i won’t) i might be abit groggy and not come… Just a warning.