"Sick Burn"

No he was talking to someone else. I wasn’t even relevant. Thank god i said nothing.

I got called a “retard” last week as a guy in a white van overtook me.

I might add that I was crossing a round-about and he was overtaking me by driving over the top of it. Awesome.

Caught up to him in the traffic and blew him a kiss on the way past.

Various profanities were heard until I was out of ear shot.

Blowing kisses is still my favourite way to burn tradies. Scares the shit out of them.

I lived in Balaclava in Melbourne and was sitting on my porch getting comfortably numb when a kid from the rabbinical collage yelled out wouldn’t it be nice to have a foreskin.

haha what was your reply??

As a tradie often in a van, i blow kisses to anyone I can.

Well if I see you out there, I’ll throw in a free a wink as well. Free of charge.

Just don’t overtake me on a roundabout again. Unnecessary.

Umm, sure.

^ Note tradie getting scared.

Omg it worked!

Just had a guy drag his kids across a pedestrian red light then tell me that “helmets don’t work unless they’re on ya head mate” as I begun my ~50m walking pace ride down quiet back streets home with my 6 pack. What a crusader for common sense.

Whinge over

Most confusing burn while riding so far “Get a horse!” yelled from a passing ute .

haha read earlier in the thread had the same call made to me! Found out its from the Simpsons!

My best and most confusing one was “get a job” from a guy in a track suit waiting for the bottle shop to open in springvale at 8am in the morning.

i had a bloke tell me to “do some fucking work” as i pulled my bike off the work truck to go riding at lunch, he then walked into the methadone clinic.

on another note, what is up with your avatar rowan

that is me after i was kicked in the face by accident at a fear factory concert in 06. Been using it as an avatar for things since

enjoy getting the shit kicked out of you.

the other day i came out of work and found a half eaten cheeseburger sitting on my seat.

Two more good reasons not to eat at Maccas.

edit: realised caseymoira was not eating at maccas, just the victim of some other douchebag eating there. Apologies!

while walking through freo carrying a new rear wheel i got

" get a uni cycle you clown" from a passing ute…

made me laugh