Spoke Cards + Beer Coasters = Spoke Coaster???

^^ is that a stripped cannondale?

as for spoke cards. i dont really mind them, so long as they’re riding a bike… hopefully to get from A to B… not to just look cool in the carpark.

Don’t know I just found the pic on the Inturdnet.

that back wheel would weigh a bit


I did this some time last year and thought it was funny as! I had over 20 coasters in there, I had about 5 of the ones from crown, and the rest were all different drinks. But it got annoying after a couple of weeks and I took them out.

EDIT: Just read the thread :-o I only put in alleycat spokecards because I like the little pictures and stuff and think they look good, like the fact that someone has put in effort into making a card for me so I might as well put it on my bike. Also its good for helping other riders recognise where they know you from.

I think its funny when people put random playing cards in their wheels, playyerzzzz.

Hipster! :smiley: :roll:

Says the guy making a thread on how he wishes he could have thought of the amazingly creative, complex and stimulating idea of…putting beer coasters in his spokes :roll:

Which I already thought of back in the day :oops: The point is when you race an alleycat they give you a spoke card. What else do you do with it? I don’t have a scrap book haha, if I didn’t put them in my spokes they would end up in the bin. Also its quite mesmerising when you spin your wheel and you see all the little pictures spinning around.

The hipsters are those who don’t realise why others put spoke cards in, and try to improvise with playing cards, pokemon cards, business cards for their new design studio thats ‘opening soon’ or those discount cards you get at donut king where if you buy 10 donuts or some shit you get a free coffee :wink:

I’m not impressed til someone puts beer BOTTLES in their spokes.


I was joking mate, sorry if I offened

One day we’ll meet and you’ll see I’m the most undertalented, uncool, hesher, hipster, riding the scene.

What about a 24 inch LCD Computer Monitor?

or a kitten

hahahahahaha, shortsie FOR DA WIN…

I was joking too, did you not see the emoticons? :lol: :stuck_out_tongue: :evil: :wink:

Oh, No, I got it, I still stand behind my original statement “…One day we’ll meet and you’ll see I’m the most undertalented, uncool, hesher, hipster, riding the scene…”

I love this shit. Some dude writes some crap, some other dude takes it the wrong way - BOOM!

Come riding on Sunday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny thread guys. In the end, who cares who puts what in their spokes?

Yeah george, I think it’s only fair that you go riding with the Cranky Sunday ‘crew’… :evil:

whats the best way to get cat fur out of your drivetrain??

Yeah george, I think it’s only fair that you go riding with the Cranky Sunday ‘crew’…

Ok, Ok, calm down everybody. I WILL go riding with Cranky’s (do they actually ride anywhere though?). I may have to go stealth now as all the lurkers may read this, has anybody got any white Aerospokes I can borrow? I also could do with a wingman too so I have someone to talk to at the cafe. It may not be this Sunday cause I want to keep them guessing. I will report back with my usual style. :wink: