Sydney - I am in you! Tuesday 15 - Friday 18


I am working in Sydney on Tuesday 15th (Morning) - Friday 18th (Afternoon). I will be Staying at the Intercontinental at Circular Quay. At this stage I think I may have some time up my sleeve for a couple of beers, I am thinking of a few pubs at night… Harts + Lord Nelson. I will be with my boss though I think.

Anyone around?

I’ll be around on the Tuesday evening and the Thursday evening. Would be great to have a beer!

I can swing by.

Do you want a bike to borrow?

Nope - no bike needed. Strictly a business trip. I will confirm once I get there on a suitable day for a meet up. I just need to look at the schedule we are running to for the event.

PS - thanks for the bike offer. Manners were lacking on my part.

Is your boss cool or not cool? I’ll come holla, Tuesday is best for me. Xoxo

Tuesday also good for me.

My boss rides MTB… rides an Open, surfs, SUPs, enjoys the White Stripes, is a Kiwi, loves rugby. Yeah - he is a good bloke. Just doesn’t understand ‘hipsters’. :wink:

I’m free on Tuesday too. I’ll bring Klaus

So … Tuesday 7pm. Let’s meet at The Tool Shed and see how things develop from there, eh?

Ahaha, I have already used that joke on my boss. I told him I want to show him a pub (Lord Nelsons), he also wanted to show me a bar… I asked him if it was the Tool Shed. He didn’t get it.

But yeah, Hopefully I can get that Tuesday night off to have a brew. Later in the week might be a bit more difficult as I will be on call for the event.

Let us know if you need anything, or if we can help with stuff :wink:

The Beresford (that might be spelt wrong) on bourke street does a reallll gooood gnocchi with lamb ragu. Also $8 pints of cider.

Would join you but I’ll be in NZ.

Harts and Lord Nelson are both excellent choices. I’m interested in hangs but reserve the right to not show up because of circumstances.

Tuesday looks like it will suit more of you guys - but it looks like the schedule will suit for me as well.

So do we want to lock in Tuesday around 530-6pm for a couple of beers, maybe a meal? Happy for suggestions.

I’m always up for an FOA meetup. If I’m off work in time I’ll come down and say hi.

If you are in The Rocks on Tuesday I will drop by for a quick beer on the way home from work.

I think I can do next Tuesday - though wednesday would be better. Harts is ace.

Rightio - lets make it Ace on Tuesday night. From Meet from 630ish onwards I guess.

Sorry Ezy, just realized I’ll probably still be in Qld (for Pushies). Maybe later next week if you’re still around :wink:

Puts Dolly Parton wig away

Yeah I will be around until Friday afternoon, but the event sort of heats up towards the end of the week. I will keep everyone up to date anyway as I will be keen to get away from it all and hit up some of the beers in the rocks area.