
Froome looks as awkward on the bike as ever!

But where will the well-kitted out fred put his saddle bag?

Disclaimer: I rock one.

Maybe that’s real reason Lemontime is looking for a porteur rack.

Fkn hell, Hansen riding with a torn AC joint?! that would hurt so fkn bad.

The gate just made “chips” fucking hell.

It’s tough being euro with a backpack.

Great to see Sagan going for it after his puncture. What a boss.

Did they just ride through Eddy Merckx’ home town? Does anyone know if they did? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF THEY JUST WENT THROUGH MERCKX’ HOME TOWN?!

Shut the fuck up Phil oh my god… 5 times.

actual lolz.

Apparently this Eddy Merckx was a good bike rider #paulandphil

I reckon they’re good and the FOA hate circle is misplaced.

You’ll notice he’s wearing a one piece integral skin suit.

How does drafting work

This really does give a new meaning to fast food.

You really have to watch out for things on the road #paulandphil

To be fair I will say that Paul’s knowledge of medieval architecture is fucking mind blowing.

Fark. Straight road. Dry weather. Race is neutralized.

None of the Big 4 though.

shit hits fan.

That was insane. Nothing makes me cringe more than watching riders slide along tarmac.

Gerrans out that sucks for OGE