tell me quickly now...


Brendan turns increasingly Euro PRO.

i intend to commute by bicycle again when it is no longer cold or wet. so sometime next year, by the looks of this crap.

because I have more bikes than brakes

Them’s the breaks.

fitter because of fixed? WTF?

I can’t wait to hear the story about this. “If I had only had brakes…”

H - i’ve seen you panting mid-group on the WNRs, and you had gears (sometimes). try it fixed…

I ride 44-19, so I barely need a brake.

/\ Pulled over on Canning Street this morning, got given a warning with threat of $170 fine. Cops will be there rest of the week, apparently at 44-19 I do need a brake.


I’m guessing the crossing near the Irish pub, or the set of lights before the gardens. As usual.

They’re also at the Arts Centre on St Kilda Rd. I saw them 30sec after I saw HMC on his NOBR AKES Hillman, so he may have also copped a warning/fine?

yeah I’ve only ever seen them there or actually in Carlton gardens.

Just keeping an eye on what the local pigs are up to :slight_smile:

^^ cops are blitzing helmets in Brunswick today, or so I hear…

Yeah was up in Brunswick, near pigdon st intersection (with the stop sign round about). Keep an eye out there this week, as they were straight on to me, from a distance

Thats Nth Carlton, Pigdon doesn’t go into Brunswick.
(But it is close)

ha, well you are correct there. In fact Canning St doesn’t go past Brunswick Road, so there is no Brunswick part of it.

Maybe they are in a few spots around town? fuckers…

totez. i’ve been riding mainly SS the last couple of months, went for a ride fixed on the weekend and just about died.
constant rotation = greater aerobic fitness

i feel i ride resposibly enough to not do damage to my self or some one else, plus since i started riding brakless i dont go as fast as i did before, plus is fun

Nah they gave me the evil eye, but i gave it back. They seemed to be too busy posing for photos with school girlz.