The Saturday Ride

Here is the plan for this Sat’s ride (10-11-07). The idea is to make the ride more organised. i.e. have a simple plan and stick with it to avoid any confusion and slower riders getting left out/lost (I feel there’s been alot of that lately). The route will be:

From Fed Sq:
Ride down St Kilda Rd
Right into Fitzroy St
Left into Beach Rd
Regroup at Black Rock (all breakaway riders must stop at Black Rock)
Continue down Beach Rd
Left at Warrigal Rd
Left at Balcombe Rd and straight down to Black Rock
Regroup at Black Rock again (all breakaway riders must stop at Black Rock)

From here there are afew possibilities:

  1. Ride to Gunter’s for refreshments (Elsternwick)
  2. Stay at Black Rock for refreshments
  3. Ride to GPO (City) for refreshments

Ride distance will be ~60 to 70 km and the pace from Nick and myself will be to the slowest rider. If you rush, you will have to wait … simple as that.

As always, all are welcome, fixed or otherwise.
Meet at Fed Sq 7.30 am


Wow, you are going to ride beach rd! :shock:

When the Sat rides started way back when, we used to mainly do Beach Rd.

Good to reminisce every now and then.


I like how you think!

:oops: Credit has to go to PiledHigher for originating the fixie Beach Rd route :oops:

My bad


I can’t believe that that was only 2 1/2 years ago.

I believe that we had about 5 or 6 public holiday fixed rides.

Man, that sounds like fun! And I’m going to be in *&%! Beechworth watching the Gravity 12-hour… not that that won’t be fun, actually. But can you do this ride again sometime soon? I love Beach Road, and I especially love Gunter’s. (They have super melts, if anyone wants early lunch.)

i’m going to try and make this one.

des, nick, nick, and omar, it was nice to meet you all today and tag along for the ride. hope the rest of the ride turned out well. sorry i had to bail early! cheers simon

Just like you like em, its got no actual bikes random bits of sky, cars… the only thing its not Des’ back. :evil:


Hey!Whatswithallthegearedbikesonthe’fixed’ride? :stuck_out_tongue:

Havent you heard!???,

Fixed is sooo 2006

Im happy with 2006 though :smiley:

You forgot this picture for your “pussies on bikes” galley

Oh hai, invisible biek not so invisible.

Hmmm … let’s get get afew things clear (MJ, you probably already know all this but it may not be for others that read this forum).

The Sat Ride was never meant to be an exclusive Fixed Gear ride. It started because afew of us rode mostly fixed on Sat together. Then, started and word got around that there was a regular fixie ride from Carlton every Sat morning. I’ve always maintained that the Sat ride was not an exclusive fixie ride, so that anyone (especially those curious about fixed riding) could join in. However, I suspect that afew thought we were “crazed-hardcore-exclusive-whatevers” and stayed away.

So … if you:

  1. like to ride a bike
  2. like to socialise while riding
  3. like riding fixed
  4. are curious about fixed riding
  5. feel that club training type/beach road arrogant type rides are not for you

Then come on down and join in. 7.30am, every Sat morning at Federation Square. All you have to do is bring a bike, a friendly attitude and an open mind.

That is all,

OOOOOOOOH it’s a Klein too, I hope they cleaned the seat!