The small joys today thread (a bit of Yang for FoA Yin of late)

stringing two day together.

I drove over my Corima Carbone today, put my favourite wheel out of use forever.

Small Joy is just how many people also feel for my loss.

I know, itā€™s just a wheel.

mate made me a mix tape. good way to end the day

Went for a ride, got muddy. Was goodā€¦ The end.

Watching Premium Rush. Itā€™s very silly.

^^ @1:22am no less. I imagine its even sillier at that hour.


took the 559er frankenbike for a spin.
no mecahicals, didnā€™t die, had fun.

fuck the haters

Posted for clarity:
Dear godā€¦

youā€™re just jealous

Yes. Fuck that thing is a giant monster


and i donā€™t need xray, CT or MRI after a head clash on saturday.

Maxi velo

Would ride.

Got my broā€™s craptacular (but almost un ridden)malvern star MTB with shagged front sus at the parents place, thinking itā€™s parts will go nicely on the shogun trail breaker frame i found on the footpath. 2 frankenMTBā€™s might be a bit much though so some lucky (insert worthy recipient of bike related charity here) might end up with it

there was one of them at commuter on friday (with a rohloff no less), we came to the conclusion that the space frame was designed for the purpose of portaging packets of chips and goon bags

How good is Dio.

Iā€™ve been listening to a lot of Rainbow lately. Very underrated singer.

Iā€™m glad I got to see him play live.


Bought a new rain jacket yesterday and can probably wear it all week. #dry

Well played. +1.

When your boss calls you by his sons name.


Last night - first bit of proper sweat-inducing exercise in almost a month thanks to the broken hand - 45mins on the rollers. Feltboringman.jpg