

So it’s a good thing you don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks then?


everyones a tattooist with a gun in their hand… and i’m a full time BS artist. can we be friends?

i’ve done the research… and it shows that melbourne and brissy (and sydney slowly :-D) are the ‘little cities’ that could. far far away from cheap parts and nearby cities there are alleycats/premieres/swapmeets that rival cities 5x their size. australia gets stuff done… despite its location.

if you want to call austin a small dusty city then go for it… i know it as the blue town in a red red state… its not even slightly surprising that there is a strong fixed prescence (though 15 shops seems very high - not even SF/NYC the proverbial meccas boats that). it has a high left-if-centre bent and is the home to 2 very large universities. hardly a fair comparison… how big is the scene is a real dusty central american city like little rock, arkansas?

as for cold and wet… i’ve seen the temperature profiles for austin - cold and wet it might be to you and your QLD sensibilites, but go to somewhere that has real seasons and you’ll find people riding in single digits during the day.

i cant be bothered dealing with your comments about girls, becuase ive seen your blogs and its an area i know you are struggling with…

and for a final note, if you want to talk about elitist why dont you go back to sffixed a site where you have to ‘apply’ for membership :roll:

i remember when it and the NY one started… if you werent local (or didnt know the mods personally) you didnt get a login.

Ah common Nikcee, been waiting for you to chime in on this and start name dropping :stuck_out_tongue:

Topic: triplevfixed (Read 528 times) (1120 hits in 4 days)

Advertising 101
no publicity is bad publicity!

thanks guys. :smiley:

I lol’d :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey! I was nice to Brissy… next time I’m ignoring you guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Tattoo gun - $200
SLR Camera - $300
Advertising - Free
Number of click-through advertisements on your blog - Zero
Spelling the name of your own blog wrong on a public forum… Priceless

This thread needs more brushy brushy brushy :sunglasses:

This thread needs euthanasia.
