Vintage HiFi Thread

Would be interested to learn more about this hierarchy of hubbards…

I still use my 2nd Gen 10gig iPod that i got in 2002. cost me $777 student price.

still works though. As a portable harddrive anyway.

I would fucking love to get into model trains. that shit is so fucking awesome.

slippery slope. i think i’d get into D&D before i got into Trains.

Jesus what am i saying.

Well, I’ve weathered two warhammer phases.

I can take it.

That’s so beardo

Warhammer looks like so much fun.

I can see it now


Guy I used to work with was into trams. Fuck models…life size FTW!

Could only be better if you’d used his pain face from Hell of the West.

And they have really shit taste in music. Yeah mate, I’m sure that MFSL pressing of Boston’s second album sounds amazing on your $150000 setup.


shit music is still shit music no matter how ‘good’ it sounds.

I remember reading something about the Black Keys and they said their recording setup was “mid-fi”, in that it composed half flash hi-fi stuff and half shit arse lo-fi stuff.

I’d like to listen to Transylvanian Hunger on some sweet hi-fi set up, to see if it stops being kvlt.

Amen to that.

jeese Blakey the pic shows an O scale layout…

TC: i used to be a practising model railway beardo

But HO Scale James has a better ring to it.

says the man who schooled me on the accuracy of my venn diagrams used for humerous purposes…

^ Yes to humorous Venn diagrams Thread.

You guys seem to make a thread out of anything these days.

(Edit, I take back this comment. After some thread digging, I now realise this was always the case)

i’m listening to vlad tepes through some pretty decent headphones at the moment. still sounds like it’s recorded on a boom-box with the drummer using cardboard boxes and various pots n pans.