WCP and the Canberra exploration

Righto, it’s on. I’m gunna get into town on Thursday the 30th (not sure if leaving Wednesday or Thursday morning). Got plans for Friday day, but otherwise open. Lauren is gunna come up on Saturday, so maybe dinner then? Bars Friday? Anyone got a bed/couch for me on the Thurs/Fri? We’ll start driving back on Sunday, meandering back to Melbourne to get back for work on Wednesday. Route suggestions? Anyone want to ride? Which bike should I bring? Two bikes?

We’ve been looking forward to you visiting. What kind of riding do you want to do? Something slightly adventurous, or boring and touristy?
One bike with 30-40mm tires would suit for almost anything you’d want to do here.
I’ll try to arrange babysitting so we could do an FOA + partners dinner. A BBQ maybe???

Also, I have a bed you could sleep on, but I’m kind of far out of town. I’m sure there’ll be a better offer, but my place is available if not.

YES!!! YES TO EVERYTHING… but not the bed, I won’t have a house then as already mentioned.

If you can bring two and have a mountain bike - do that. Or at least bring is something that can handle fire trail. That way you can take on some of the centenary trail, or most of the firetrails that meander along the lines of many of the hills and mountains around the city.

We don’t have a lot of choice when it comes to bars, but we have enough for you to get tipsy with some sort of bar crawl. Wether it is going to the brewery in Braddon (bentspoke) then onto some smaller intimate bars (Hippo + Molly).

We have good food.


  • Quick and easy is down the hume highway. But factor in a night at Beechworth for a cool town + beer
  • Beautiful driving is down the coast way (Canberra to Batemans Bay then down the princes highway)
  • Or you can combine the two, go down the coast and before Bega, chuck a left to then head up the brown mountain. Eventually you will end up in Cooma. Chuck a left and eventually get on to Alpine Way. This will spit you out at Wodonga. Then business as usual down the Hume.

Shoot, I might be in Melbourne then. Could do a ride Thursday though, usually can flake on class until about 2.

If I’m in town, would be cool to do Friday post-work beers and bar ride. We have a few bars and our outdoors 4 story high bar might be open then. Brr.

Hey Pete you can stay with us too. A hardass like you won’t say no to a thermarest/couch in the study hey? Plus you have my collection of comics to peruse if you can’t sleep cos screaming kids (nah, kids are actually very good sleepers).

Also, bring a jumper. Was 8 today!

Bike, bars etc: what others said.

Yeah, adventure! It’d be good to check the place out a bit, but I’m not one to tick boxes or cram heaps and heaps in on trips like this. Friday BBQ/tucker and drinks would be ace, then maybe more formal dinner again on Saturday night with Lauren, who is worth meeting if you haven’t yet. If both doesn’t suit those with kids, I’d be happy to aim for one over the other if it means you’ll come. If that makes sense.

For the drive home, we have a motive to visit Albury, and I’d like to check out Jindabyne, so might go that way. Probably have another look around Beechworth and maybe Wang while we’re there, but I’ve never been up to Falls so maybe we’ll head that way. We’ll be in the Renault, but I bought it cos I think it’s up to it.

Hopefully I’ll bring my Rando bike up: 650b x 42mm should thrive on gravel. Otherwise, could bring the Mitchell (27" x 1 1/4 and fun fun fun) and my MTB. Pretty tempted to bring a MTB, but, you know, I’m actually pretty shit at it. To scared. I’m getting better though.

Thanks for the accom offers too. It’ll just be for Thurs/Fri night; probs stay somewhere more intimate when Lauren gets in.

Jindabyne is definitely worth the visit. It will be bloody cold though and probably cloudy.

The rando will be great and I’m sure someone will take you to Bruce Ridge for a MTB ride. Bruce is perfect for the more ‘casual’ rider. There’s no big drops or rock gardens, just lots of smooth single track through the forest.

Maybe we could do a 1/2 - 3/4 day ride around Two Sticks Rd, maybe hike/ride up Coree on Saturday.

I’ve got a great recommendation for Saturday night: the Green Herring at Gold Creek. It’s a little out of the way but the food is incredible, service is the best I’ve had and the building is charming and cozy.

Accommodation wise for romantic times. It’s hard to go past Hotel Hotel (http://www.hotel-hotel.com.au)

  • Also a picnic at Tidbinbilla + a hike at Square Rock could be cool?

is goose going too? (just curious no agenda hem…)

You know I just thought about this this morning and the thought of telling you about it made me smile.

Bruce is cool, and not far from my house. It’s fun both on a CX and a MTB. If you take the MTB we can definitely have a go at it.

I concur with Adam re a Brindabellas ride, it would be nice. The centenary trail is another possibility, but will be better on the MTB.

Plenty of good food to be had - my top pick for a romantic resto if you’re staying in town would be Sage, but book ahead. If you stay at Hotel Hotel it’s hard to go past their in house restaurant Monster. A short walk from Hotel Hotel is Mocan Green Grout, a great inventive place with excellent vego options.

yer dog! Xoxoxoxo

Yo you can stay at mine if you want. I’m in O’Connor so close to the city. Happy to go on some rides as I have thursdays and fridays off uni as well.

"“There had been at least 20cm to 30cm up high in the Brindabellas for about six hours last night,”

Bring your woolies - we have snow already.

^ won’t last. But yes to woolies. And the fattie?

Snow ride yeah yeah

Can we leave Pete’s romantic getaway out of this?

Nah, leave it in.

That’s what she said