Wednesday Fix v4.0

ive wanted back in for ages but can never fukin get there, frustrating.

Oh well, we’ve missed you anyway.

What time can you make it? We didn’t leave last night until about 6:45pm (exception, not the rule)

Next week im fucking there.


Awesome. I may get to finally meet you lol! :mrgreen:

-You’ll be in the yellow vest I assume? :stuck_out_tongue:

My bad for making you all wait at the start.

Ha ha, virgin post popped. It wasn’t that hard was it?

i’m down next week, I’d like to meet some of the guys i shout out for skids off.

only took 5 months!

yes 5 months of pondering and nervously sweating on my key board.

oh god. last Wednesday was an incredibly soul destroying/uplifting ride. Got white spots in front of the eyes about half way through nearly ate shit in the drains nearly ate shit on the bike path. Then ate so much Mc Donalds i was trying not to spew on the way back. EPIC. Altercations with bogans in commodores and guys on motorbikes.EPIC Skid so far down a hill after overtaking super commuter lost most of a gator that was 2 weeks old.EPIC

Quick question- what’s the weather doing tomorrow? Is it likely we’re going riding?

just dress to the occasion…

*not that im going to be there…

It actually doesn’t look too bad, Ill be there. Shake 'n Bake baby!

From The Age:

A new storm front will lash the state this afternoon, with the danger period for metropolitan Melbourne between 2pm and 5pm. Winds are expected to average 60-80 km/h, with gusts over 100 km/h. :expressionless:

wonder how much it’ll have died down by 6:30…



any idea on route tonight?

If it was raining it’d be sweet to find a multi storey to do some races in.

I’ve got a fair idea if it’s not raining. No epic but includes hills.

look forward to the ride, specially if somebody has chain lube i could use, my chain is disgusting.

Hopefully heading East so I might be able to join in instead of saying hiya byeya for a change.

