What age group?

Brendan…i think you are technically just part of Gen Y. Though i may be wrong. I’m 20 and overwhlemed with shame at my lifestyle choices.

Nah he’s x

The Baby Boomers (b.1946-1964)
Generation X (b.1965-1979)
Generation Y (b.1980-1997)
Generation Z born between 1998 and today

Naah, he’s Net Gen:

1844-53: The Prometheans
1854-63: The Plutonians
1864-73: The Anarcho-Symbolists
1874-83: The Psychonauts
1884-93: The Lost Generation The New Kids
1894-1903: The Lost Generation The Hardboiled Generation
1904-13: The Greatest Generation The Partisans
1914-23: The Greatest Generation The New Gods
1924-33: The Silent Generation The Postmoderns
1934-43: The Silent Generation The Anti-Anti-Utopians
1944-53: The Boom Generation
1954-63: The Boom Generation, or Post-Boomers The OGXers (Original Generation X)
1964-73: Generation X The PC Generation
1974-83: Generations X/Y The Net Generation
1984-93: The Millennials
1994-2003: The Millennials TBA

40, unmarried, three kids.
this thread explains why Im never going to get 25 posts up in the next 12 months.
is ‘dude’ still a cool word?

I thought the trick to get 25 posts was to say nice bike dude 25 times.

And then get banned…

Can’t see in that list “The last generation that got to own anything” :evil:

I think it crosses over the BG & OGXs

1 kid (at the moment)
Married to angry pregnant lady
Unfortunately feel very adult now, something I tried to avoid in my 20’s…

well, you did that to her.

or, at least, i hope you did.

Reads like Jolan’s record collection…


Actually you’re right, they could all be bands.

Not in my (admitadly terrible) world

Surely you could imagine the Psychonauts as some surf / rockabilly band?

i try not to imagine surf/rockabilly bands at all.

Too cool for other genres? :stuck_out_tongue:

too cool for the bad ones.

Surf I can deal with… rockabilly, not so much.

Rockabilly is awesome


see, i’m exactly the opposite. early rockabilly is kinda awesome.

the new gods. wasn’t this a band? or am i thinking of young gods and the new christs?

actually, i’m thinking of banana smoothies and infest.