who's up for some dirt rides? name your time and place.

I may stay at home and do the hundreds of pages of reading i have to do for the beginning of honours tomorrow. I’ll see in an hour or so.

just got back from soccer training.

hill sprints and core work has left me absolutely wasted, can’t do it.

shame, really want to test out the new wheels, but i almost can’t walk down the staircase to the bathroom…let alone back up to crawl into bed and play playstation.

Fun ride today. Thanks guys.


Yeah it was pretty cool. Just got home, blehh i’m tired. You guys really left me for dead in many spots, in both fitness and skill.

tall tom coming in strong with some nice new sections.

as angry said (paraphrasing) ‘bike riders are like rats, when the waters rise we seek higher ground’

i’m claiming crash of the day… i could hear angry talking to his brakes, and i knew it was getting increasingly dicey to try and make those tight turns but ‘you never never know, if you never never go’ and i did go… over the bars.

good times!

Well I missed it when everybody finally turned up but I am up for a roll this sunday same bat time same bat channel.

I’m probably up for it too.

BTW should we move this thread to ‘Melbourne’?

I’ll probably be there. Enjoying my last rigid ride on the Kiss

thread moved. i’m hopefully in. moving house fucked with my weekend last time.


mmm rigid ride, hope the tora’s work out

Yeah man, i’ll be seeing paul (?) monday.

can you run a suspension fork on the kiss without the geo fucking up? i thought the frame was non suspension corrected

They are only 100mm and if thats too much we can lower them to 80mm. You going to the track sat nite.

The kiss has the geo for 100mm suspensoin, one of the many reasons why I bought it
It also has a replaceable dropout so I can put a deralieur hanger on there if need be.
And alos I will be goinh to the track saturday night, juz and I might ride there, but maybe I won’t cos it miht be too shitty weather to ride 120km after dark yo. 60 there 60 back, that could be fun it could be whack!

let me know

Hey guys, christian and I are gonna hit up the scout camp in beaconsfield instead, let me know if you wanna come out!

Hey guys, I can’t make it this weekend. Just went for a ride this morning and the trails all seem to have dried out nicely now. Could even be dry out in the boggy parts of Yarra Flats too - didn’t ride these tho’.

Have a good ride.


What is this trail/network of trails you speak of?

Well, it’s a scout camp, and it’s in beaconsfield. Apparently it’s owned by the dirtriders mtb club. I’m gonna investigate this afternoon.