
That’s what cable dork ties in your helmet are for. Mrs Ant has them and she hasn’t been swooped yet.

i’m into animal rights, and the emancipation of all living creatures.

except magpies.

those bastards can go die.

dork ties don’t deter magpies… my buddy got nailed 3 or 4 times in the head with dork ties this morning…

let the super commuters keep thinking that looking like a tool is going to save them! ha ha! :evil:

i’m sure that mrs ant looks fine though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but you look stupid with them in your helmet

I would rather have my eyes gouged out by a rabid magpie and the empty socket pissed in, than put cable-ties in my helmet.

I’m sure Mrs Antmandan still looks beautiful though.

Damn you for making me laugh. I laughed right through the thinly veiled false confidence given by my oxycodone and straight into the sharp pain that is fractured vertebrae. And damn you Arnold.

so fucking funny :smiley: i hated those weird, dirty birds when i used to live up there.

I like this thread. It’s funny :smiley:

To add to the melange I’ll throw in this old bike advert which I’ve always thought was kinda kinky :evil:

just for clarity, exactly which bit of the beast did you run over? neck, body?


This thread for some reason reminds me of a girl here at work who thought that Animalia was the name of the act of people having sex with animals. She got the book from me for her secret Santa present wrapped in ‘X-Rated’ stickers. This is the same girl that asked if she can still use the toilet when we had a black out. Yes she is blonde.

Hey! My girlfriend is blonde. And smarter than me…

haha. no you cant. a lightning could shoot up your ass at any moment without warning. go in the sink.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What an awesome pic! The bike’s fixed and the monkey’s got both feet off the pedals - they’re totally bombing that dirt road! The bird looks a bit worried though but he can just fly off if they get into trouble. Which they probably will because the monkey’s got his eyes closed.

I have a book FULL of these sorts of pics, the one with the monkey + parrot included.


hehe, thanks. That monkey is a real hellman.

A bird on the top tub is worth …