Wisemans Ferry Gravel Grind [SYD] Sunday 23 June

The worst of the climbing is over in the first half of the ride. And if you bail out early at the Portland ferry and ride back along River Road, it will still be worth the drive out there.

This fills me with confidence, but how full is full? I guess what i’m saying is, would you do it/what are the chances of eating shit? Corrugations don’t bother me so much.

I am 99% sure I will be ont he SS 29er - going to go to Cheeky today to see if they have a 15 or 16t rear cog to gear up a bit (currently running 34/19 and it is a but spinny on the road. Irexkon 34/16 will be anice compromise between hills/flats/slow rubber.

I think I have a spare 16t. I can look for it if you want.

My Olmo had a big fail this morning on the commute, so that options probably out.

I’ve still got your 35c cross tyres.

Keep them if you want them, I don’t have a bike that they’ll fit on anymore.

‘Full’ means you can’t go fast. Will you eat shit if you try to take the corners too quick? Probably. Will you eat shit if you take the descent slowly? Probably not, and you will have time to get a foot down.

I will also have my hands full on the descents, and yes I would ride it on 23s if that was all that I had.

Rod, I have a 16 tooth cog that fits on a Shimano spline too.

Sweet! Looks like ill swap out the 20’s for 23’s and hopefully see you guys there!! Keen!

I’m heading up to the Goldcoast from Canberra to see the old man and then stopping in Sydney for a couple days on the way back to stay with some family friends. No idea what I will do without a bike :frowning:
My ideal stay is one where I instagram a photo of my self in Sydney and then someone (likely harry) finds me and instagrams a photo of me sitting in that place and I see it then turn around and some weird non-internet brofriendships happen.

Well that’s going to have to happen now…

I geared up to 62 gear inches and did 25 kms this morning. SS 29er is go!

Anyone got a spare 3/32" 15t freewheel for sale or a lend??

Editing took forever…


Does anyone make a 15T that will fit std hub threads??
Other solution would be a 36t chainring for 110 BCD.


I might have a 5-bolt 36t chainring - is that 110? I can check later tonight.


I have a blackspire dh 36t 110bcd chainring. Yours if you want it has plenty of life left.

Got a 16 tooth freewheel somewhere (I think.)

Running 16T at the mo Carlin cheers,
Keen on the 36T Rod, wanna sell, swap, donate???

you can have it Henry - I am going to try and get to the CX tomorrow - if so I will bring, if not will meet up early next week.