xBBx's 10,000th post and retirement from FOA

Hey guyz. I’m leaving FoA too. LET’S TALK ABOUT HOW AWESOME I AM!!

Id prefer to discuss this over donuts and coffee

I need to lay off the donuts for a bit.

I vote for a two word, mundane response in this thread as the final post.

You still here?


I noticed pretty early on that he had quite an influence around here, notably about sexism and misogyny, I think regarding that time Total Rush had naked girls painted in bike kit to promote bikes or something. I respected that hugely, and I still love that about this place. (I’d like to see more girls involved here though, or at least more consideration that there are a few girls here).

I don’t remember exactly when/where I first met him - I think it was my first DDCX - but he introduced himself and was friendly and funny. I’ve met him a few times since, and experienced plenty of his commentary at DDCX, but I’ve never really hung out with him in a more intimate sense and gotten to know him.

A few months ago he got stuck right into my mate Seb here on FOA though, in what I thought was a super disproportionate way and I know it really upset him. Seb’s cool enough to shrug it off, but it left a bad taste in his mouth and made me anxious and scared of getting on the wrong side of Brendan. That was a shame. But I’ve bumped into him a few times since and he’s just been a really nice, friendly guy. I hope and think we could be friends.

I think this will be the winner.

Internet brenno & real life brenno are very different beings.

I consider real life brenno a very close friend, and he is the partner of one of my dearest friends, but there are times when Internet brenno can be a bit of a dick or a bit quick to jump on someone. I think he often knows that though, don’t ya brenno? I think you do anyway.

I’m willing to base my feelings for him on real life brenno, but I understand that’s a privilege those interstate members don’t have.

That’s usually the case for most people.

Yeah for sure, that’s what I’m thinking.

Kate, although I hardly know her really, is awesome too.

Rules for thread from here on in.

Brendan has to get a tattoo… please suggest his next tattoo based on your experience with him. Most greatest suggestion, Brendan has to get… FoA will chip in to cover costs of tattoo, and maybe removal.

Based on Brendan’s awesome Knock Knock jokes, a tattoo of the two knockers from the movie Labyrinth.

Elbows or knees or gtfo
But yeah at what point does this turn into a flame brenno thread like all good FOA threads do?

How about a tattoo of a smiths potato chip on his shoulder?

Wouldn’t tattoos of knockers be misogyny?

^ Ha ha, very good.

I first met Brenno in 1992, in Year 7. I thought he was a douche. Not just any douche, but the biggest douche at our school. Proper douche. Then Ol’ Principal Feeney gave him the GTFO treatment after Year 8 (I think, or maybe Brenno chose to leave and go back to Stawell, but I’m pretty sure he was expelled), then I didn’t see him for about 15 years.

I came on here around the time he was nominated for cyclist of the year, wasn’t sure if it was the same dude from my youth. I’d just got a roadie, so out of curiosity I rocked up to a ride where he’d thrown out an open invite, and sure enough it was the same guy. I also met HMC that day, what a champ. We did a Tour de Burbs loop, you guys were pretty kind to me, it was literally my second ever ride on my roadie.

Brenno was dead last on the list of high school people I expected to be friends with in my 30s. But it turned out he was a good dude. He and Kate are always welcome to visit any time they’re up my way.

I miss his blog too.

^ I don’t miss your blog.

I had a blog? Oh, is that what that signature is. Um…

haha dave, how good was that ride?! I still lived at home south side and, after Brendan took me to Trippy Taco post ride, i had to ask him where the fuck I was!! Must have been 2009 i think.