Nice one dalai
Super nice!
That looks amazing. I love the Victorian high country. I need to get my wife into riding so we can spend our 5 year wedding anniversary doing this.
Looks great Dalai.
You aware of this coming up:
Jam for Jamieson - Melbourne Randonneur
Bit far for me, might try bike-pack it over two days sometime.
Wasn’t aware MikeD. But looking at the route, over two days would be more my idea too!
So Lauren and I went out on an overnighter to Kurth Kiln from Belgrave station, looping around to Lilydale station on the Warby rail trail next day. Was a really great little trip! Few pics on the 'gram.
The route had been ridden by a few mates a couple of weeks before, but I couldn’t go (stupid Christmas). Anyway, I was sent a couple of Strava links to the route, but I don’t rock a GPS so made a queue sheet from it. I love working from a queue sheet. This one worked well, although there were a couple of times I doubted it, mainly through Emerald. Anyway, here’s the sheet in case anyone’s keen. My highlights were Selby - Aura Rd, and most of the C424 on day two.
Nice. Thanks for the cue sheet!
P.S. - I don’t rock a speedo either, so don’t know how accurate the distances are. They’d be pretty close though.
Selby aura road is silky smooth and divine.
Me and scott just did this route.
Started at Moe, joined route at Rawson, stayed in Jamieson, then Jamison to Tralagon (well we stopped in Cowwar once we realised we weren’t gonna make the train)
Serious ride, but can reccomend, just looked and the climb from Jamieson to Mnt Skene is 2000m over 45kms! - no wonder is took us 4hrs. Tip, fill bottles when ever you see water.
Desecent into Licola is amazing, drop about 800m over 15kms on seal.
Also, Licola and surrounds looks more like inland QLD than Vic.
So I did this ride today. Printed off Pete’s cue sheets and jumped on the train to Belgrave. Was a great ride:
Lots of greenery and quiet roads/paths. Plenty of hills for the legs too.
I wasn’t sure how I’d go following the cue sheets so I built Strava routes from them last night as a backup. I didn’t need the routes today (cue sheets were solid) but was good to know I had them if necessary:
Top work!
It’s funny though; I built the cue sheets from Mik Efford’s Strava of the same ride. The links to those are hidden in my post on the previous page of this thread.
Yeah I saw Mik’s ride logs but couldn’t figure out how to turn someone else’s ride into a “route” you can keep and plot your current position against. Was a bit of a PITA (Strava’s route builder is buggy) but didn’t take too long.
Well I’m glad the cue sheets were good either way.
ha, I planned this to have the least hills as when we did it there were 14 of us needing to make the F&C shop by 8.30, we rode the puffing billy section (which we only decided to ride when we got there but its ace eh?) with a 2 slabs between us.
Yeah and one the guys knew the nice quiet sealed roads to the Warby trail.
Heh, that sounds rad. Bummed I missed the boozy group ride now.
1300m of hills over 3h30m was enough for my legs to feel like they’d put some work in! I did do one big hill twice though; those stupid distance signs along the C424 that show the kms to Gembrook on both sides disoriented me and I doubled back to check I’d taken the right turn from Soldiers Rd…
So it turns out this is very straightforward and I just missed it… If you bring up someone else’s “activity” (e.g. my ride above) and click on the spanner to the left (must be logged in), there’s an option for “Create Route”.
Is there any back roads up Donna Buang from Healsville? my maps have a few lines but I’m assuming they are all hiking/walking tracks and mostly unridable?
Which then basically leaves me don road>dirty donna?
Whats archeron way like on a weekend?
I’ve only come across on average 2-3 cars and 0-1 other cyclists when I’ve ridden Acheron on weekends.
Not aware of any other Healesville to Don roads, but the dirty Don is nice, and it’s quiet.
Awesome. maps are telling me I can scoot from toolangi to narbethong on some smoothish gravel roads? One of our group has a bad shoulder so I’ve gotta take a little more care planning.