Lorday's lawn mower thread.

I have heard this too. To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if they are all made in the same or similar warehous in china because it all looks the same.

Tate if you can hang on to it concider it sold!, im moving in mid november so can get it once the move is done

Looks shopped.

yeah, edges have been trimmed.

No real expertise in this area expect I own Makita Tools (drills, bench grinder, angle grinder) because I think they were nice when I bought them, and the company themselves are really good for parts and support if you need.

so many alex. #trending

poorly…must’ve picked up the mower to trim the uprights.

This is probably the one (and only?) time that AlexeiBBB69 isn’t trolling. His old man is a silver fox - of course he would have a Scott Bonnar to go with his Triumph moto.

The last 5 years have seen makita and dewalt slip so far below par it’s not funny,
The new brushless 4.0amp/hr hitachi stuff shits over all the others bar may be Hilti but Hilti is to exxy for the general public.
The makita planner, drop saw and jigsaws are great but the cordless gear sucks.

Drop/mitre saw go dewalt or makita
Planner, jigsaw go makita
Power saw makita or hitachi
Cordless hitachi and only go li ion and if possible brushless and a steel chuck not plastic.
Avoid Bosch, ryobi if your serious and if it will get little use go ozito, they are a 1/4 of the big name players and just replace them every couple of years.

Cordless drills - Panasonic

Edited for my 2c worth

Yep I agree on the festool but like Hilti thought it to $$$ for the general public,
Panasonic did have the good drills a few years back but have not used their new lines,
But I must admit my new hitachi brushless is insane.

If I could I would get a full festool kit

Tell me about it. I’ve got a bit of their gear and its awesome. But yeah as you mentioned probably out of the ballpark price wise for the majority of people.

My dream bit of festool gear is their domino joiner, Hhmmmm…

Very much agree on the Panasonic drill.

Have one I share with a mate in our workshop. Is a complete workshorse.

Seems more appropriate

hmm…back yard has a 3 x 7m patch, front is about 5 x 10m ?

no idea what kind of grass, rear looks very patchy, front looks ok-ish.

“Non powered” means cyclinder style mowers. Bunnings offers you two varieties; one by ozito and the other flymo. Neither come with a catcher but both have one availiable off the shelf. You’re looking for something cheap then the ozito is fine. Get an employee to show you how to adjust the blades so they cut paper. Leave the cut height on the highest setting and do your grass regularly (you’ll need to be all grown up and make the ‘how regularly?’ Decision yourself but a good starting point is weekly in summer).

The flymo will last you almost forever but by the time you add the catcher into the purchase prove you’re looking in petrol mower territory with b&s engines. They’ll make your job easierer.

No petrol cause you’re a new age man, are on the bleeding edge and can’t take basic instruction? Newer 36/40v rechargeable battery mowers will do your job but are expensive.

Need to do your edges and already have an extension lead out? Ozito do 2 electric mowers currently. The one at $149 is not complete a toy.

i went to an electrical engineer customers house a while back and counted thirty festool cases in his workshop. thirty!

Lorday, you still a power garden expert?

I have just under 1 acre of varying grass types, combination of flat and sloped, even & uneven, rocks keep appearing and there is plenty of bark and gumnuts from the giant eucalypts on the fencelines.

I’m running a victa v50 self propelled for now that I picked up cheap, but in the event of its demise, where do I go?

I don’t really want a ride on, I have plenty of time to mow with a walk behind (took me ~3hrs yesterday to knock down the overgrown grass with the victa), a Deutscher is sick but overkill.

I’m thinking a ‘utility’ side discharge mower with a wide deck and no catcher, ideally a swing blade to cope with debris.
EG | Masport Australia

Plus I need a sturdy brushcutter that can cope with the bits that are too steep for the mower, plus taming a nettle patch larger than jono’s yard and similar.

Loday is in mexico

get a goat