The small joys today thread (a bit of Yang for FoA Yin of late)

What a rollercoaster.

You got greedy, Martin.

I bet if you bought just a couple items, or one, they miiiight have honored it.

im more annoyed that i got dispatch confirmation with tracking numbers, only to be cancelled a week later with no notification, and no refund.

it was the build up of excitement, and the crash that hurts the most.

as HM says, a rollercoaster.

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Holding back on us jase? How did this not end up in the online shopping discount codes thread? I would have been all over this rollercoaster.

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i literally put my orders through, was about to post on FOA then the glitch was fixed.

in other SJ news

convinced my sister in law with her new born to buy this

$120…bargain i reckon



100% mamachari right there


They live near the river and close to a bike path that takes em all the way to the city so its pretty perfect. Their boy (my nephew) is about 7 months now so timing is pretty spot on as well.

pretty sure im more stoked than she is in finding one, and at that price as well

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Tank style. indestructible with a little care, albeit weighty.

Colleague gave me a pair of brand new Maxxis Detonator tyres.

Do they really hate you or something?

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“32c? Do I look like a hippie?”

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ahahahahaha, very good.

Tubeless is fucking rad.
Hit a pothole today, came out of nowhere, would have got a pinchflat for sure if I had tubes in, but just kept on rollin’


(20 chars … I feel a small joy every time a tubeless tyre pops cleanly onto the rim.)

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SJ: Finished a 6 week crash course in yoga this morning. Far from flexible but the old body feels good.

Nice! Where’d you do that at?

NSJ: the free Netflix we’ve enjoyed since buying a reconditioned TV a few years ago has finally stopped. The previous owner ‘Belinda’ must have stopped paying for it.


Got my ‘appreciated’ badge.