The 'what you've done to your bike today' thread

Spin with me on 63, with 45c tyres haha. 85 is for track!

This is exactly my point. That is bugger all time. Get back to us after two years.

In the long run (like ten years from now) smaller inches now will have payed off.

this is an excellent plan.

a lower gearing also teaches you to control your bike better. if you can still ride smoothly at 150rpm, you’ll be fine with that bigger gear at 120rpm.

i’m currently running 58" on the street - singlespeed, admittedly (otherwise downhills would suck). remember that a lower gear works your engine rather than your legs, and that’s a very, very good thing.

I run 46gi on my singlespeed, feelsgoodman.jpg

i started on 52/16 in canberra but moved happily to 43/15 in sydney, now in the blue mountains and in a real pickle, lots of big ups and downs, dont mind sweatin on the ups but i can only spin so fast till i feel no control with my legs, aslo put drop bullhorns on my tarck and forgot how nice they are ride.

if i were to run 48-17…what would be the gear inch?

about 74. that’s what i run, as does p-dub as i found out this weekend.

and he can fucking ride up anything melbourne throws at him it seems

Pieced mine back together for the first time riding fixed this year.

Shitty loaner front wheel at the moment.

Oh, and for the record 69

I ride 48-17 and have done for 2 years.
Had knee problems a little, but found it was as much to do with saddle position+height.

So a 19t cog would be okay? Should bring it down to about 73 inches.

18 or 19 should see ya right. 76 or 72 respectively

Might go with the 18 then! Pretty sure that should be almost the same as my other bike that has 49x17
I must admit though it has been fun the last two days using a big gear, Long term though I don’t want to destroy my knees.

thanks :slight_smile:

road drops for the cinelli,wish i had them for the werewolf ride

i actually checked today and i’m runnin 38/15… fukin tiny. no wonder it kills me on the downhills.

SRAM force for the lemond roadie and also a set of Easton ea90slx to go with it, chris king headset, Thomson seatpost on the way too

for papa and any others that haven’t seen these before…

All-City | Tech | Gear Ratio & Skid Patch Calculator

Rabbit, a singlespeed and fixed-gear cycling calculator

noice! where’d you buy the group from by the way?

sweet using that im on 78.5 and 15 skid patches