
Here is your thermomix! So good.

Coffee Maker Cooking: Brew Up Your Next Dinner : The Salt : NPR

We have a thermomix. It’s the bollocks and robust as fark. If you have kids it makes it so easy to prepare wicked meals with a fraction of the effort. I reckon we’ve saved the $2k on food bills by being able to make a heap of stuff from scratch. Made tonnes of baby food, pizza dough, bread dough, banana bread, soups, porridge, cake mixes, crushed ice, mash etc. The missus even made her own organic moisturiser for a fraction of the cost. $2k sounds like a lot of money but a kitchen aid is like $750 and all it does is mix cake batter and meringue etc.
And no ,we dont sell them.


Made my own mince the other night from good lean steak for san choy bow. Was awesome. I can hear you from here… why waste good steak blah blah. Well I know whats in my mince and it’s lean as fuck and I need it to be cause I’ll smash a 6 pack of Wagon Wheels after dinner quite often :slight_smile:


Thermomix cos smoother.

I don’t do lumps.

For the record. We aren’t getting a Thermomix. We attended a demo (we attended two demos, one was at our house, the other we had to pay to go to) and weren’t too impressed with it in the long run. All I really got out of it was the machine is really good a pulverising the shit out of anything you put in it. The other big thing - 2k machine with a 2 year warranty? GOOO GET FAAAARKED.

Ps. I’m getting a new bike soon.

People PAY to go and look at fancy blenders? Next time pls just send me the money and I’ll give you a good youtube link or something.

How’s that different to a computer, a lot of which only come with a 12 month warranty?

Also, isn’t there a some implicit warranty in Australian law that states a product is under warranty for what is considered a ‘reasonable’ length of time given the product’s cost and type of usage? I can’t remember the details, just saw it on the Chaser’s Checkout show a while back.

so true

Vitamix - seven year warranty. Boom!

I dunno, at the demo (yes the one that paid $20 for a 5 course meal) they seemed to harp on about how well made it is, bulletproof etc. If they are so confident in their machine then offering a 5 year warranty wouldn’t be a problem.

Here’s how I do Thermomix :slight_smile:

Ahhh, what timing.

Mrs Ezy has a friend who is heading over to Paris for the marathon - she is lending us her Thermomix to test out for 2 weeks.

As you do, jeeze! Get on it man… make some gourmet doughnut dough and express post me a doughnut!!!


Holy shit… recipe please!!

I will be making as much stuff as possible. Maple Almond Butter get in me!

Oh man I don’t have one, just seems your quite the baker is all.


Awesome. I just made an amazingly delicious and pretty easy pumpkin soup for dinner.

So there is a thermomix in my kitchen… I have no idea where to start.

Anyone care to share some recipes for me? Dinners, snacks, nut butters etc.

Or your go to website/blog for me to check out.

Official Thermomix Forum & Recipe Community

They are MINT!!!but not worth the crazy price