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i dont care what they wear, the crazy shit they do on the road is the annoying thing, red lights, not being able to clip in (mtb pedals), full gas track gate starts to then sit on about 19km/h, shoaling, sitting on wheels unannounced (i like to steer them over every manhole cover/grate) etc etc etc

not surprisingly they all seem to wear the same outfit though

its just odd

why can’t they just relax?

I’ll try that next time. Whipskidding doesn’t deter them at all.

In saying that these idiots would just slow down and continue to suck your wheel no matter how slow you’re going. I swear i could trackstand and some dick would be trying to wheel suck. It’s all about conserving energy. Precious energy.

Alex, I’m taking your lead… I just need to learn to bunny hop on a tarck bike so I can take them up gutters.

i agree, its bizarre

they will sit on, then shoal, then smash it off the lights, die, then sit on again… repeat

there is nothing more frustrating than a bunch of muppets you’ve just passed, slowly edging past you to get to the front of the lights time and time again.

i wonder if they have their own forum where they learn these tricks

a guy this morning kept running pedestrian lights. after overtaking him for the fourth time, i gave him a serve the next time he blew a red. he stopped at the grattan lights, where i told him very polietly that he was making the rest of the cyclists look bad. he just gave a half smile, then rode the footpath around the ROD.

another FOA?



Bicycle Victoria Forums • View forum - Commuters discussion


Oh god.

Watch out for Agressive Scooter rider Ashburton

lol i had to google “shoaling”… bike snob educated me, i do this(well i sit behind at the lights then jump just b4 green)… but only to ppl that i have been closing the gap on quickly anyways.

BNA - Australian Cycling Forums • View topic - Commuter Cup Racing

“Have to chase someone down and sit on their wheel” seems to be the “thing” in that thread.


Real shoaling involves pushing past everyone (one foot unclipped) at the light so you are at the front of everything. My favourite is when people then take both feet off the pedals and have to then find them when the light goes green.

If you happen to pass everyone at the lights (on their right) as they take off and while they clip in / figure out which of their 18 gears they should be in, that’s their problem.

My wife seems to get shoaled by middle aged men all the time. Apparently girls can’t ride bikes. It’s fun watching her pass them.

So angry I posted twice.

Like Red I had to be educated on shoaling by Bike Snob.
Never been shoaled myself and I think bit of chopstick justice would be in order
if I was. Chopstick + rear wheel = justice

Thats a lot of effort.

My partner comes home with this story every single day. It must be the most frustrating thing ever!

I usually roll down King St as its the quickest way from North Melbourne to work, until the other day when I needed to go to North Fitz on the way to work. Not doing that again, I’d rather 70km/h than the Canning St commuter cup any day.

yeah i have not experienced either, mind u i sit well up the front, borderline into the intersection and most times dont unclip, maybe bne riders are a bit more polite anyways.