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i’ve just started commuting from thornbury to north melbourne and was delighted to see all the freds on the bike path turned down canning street and let me have rathdowne street practically all to myself.

At least Canning st has ample room to pass. Brunswick st with it’s 30 cm of bike lake, coupled with the broad range of commuter cup passing behaviour makes for a downright dangerous peak hour ride.

bahaha i will be reading this for the lols all day.

“he was still in sight, I hammered it to catch him up, topped out at 45 with the road being pretty flat and me being fresh still”

some serious fuckin laughs

^I find the experience is greatly bolstered by picturing those clowns on dirty great big squeaky rust buckets complete with panniers and the pilots rocking hi-vis

aye… fuck you!!! i rock highvis… when its raining

its not what you wear/ride, its how you wear/ride it

yeah but not just general workwear - more like those little reflective sash or vest thingos I see getting round

when did you become so modest?

BV Forums… I should have fucking guessed!

Just look back over your shoulder and yell loudly, “pull a turn or fuck off!”

Commuting is a pretty modest affair

I don’t mind people sucking my wheel… I like to think they are mesmerised by my chiseled calves.

i’d say it’s more the sweet draft from the mo…

bahahahahaha another one

“I noticed a guy sitting behind me for a while, so I started to crank it up a bit. I figured, hey, maybe I can be a rabbit just for once. I was sitting on around 28Kph, thinking to myself, Hey, I’m going pretty quick!”

busy day at work so this may prove enjoyment for longer than expected :slight_smile:

28k’s… fark me that’s fast!

Yeah, your wife holding me up on Rundle Road today.

Not really, she killed it, I tried to get within skid request distance but lost her at an intersection.

Had a roadie sucking my wheel in an aero position down the footscray road path this morning, I slowed down so he could pass but he just keep tight. should have pulled out a few whipskidz or an over the shoulder fuck off!

Radelaidian’s complaining about their shitty commute’s = Hilarial™®

Spend a week commuting in Sydney and you’ll think your Adelaide commute is bliss wonderful like some tampon commercial. I don’t wanna sound dismissive but you don’t know how good you have it.

Canberra commute = awesome. Everyone should move here so you don’t have to complain. Then we can hang out and be best friends… yes?

But but but…!

Wait, which tampon commercial?

Dunno … something with lots of young girls in white jeans & dresses, running along the beach, kicking water, frolicking, sunny morning, laughing, lots of poppy colours and a carefree demeanor.

Frolicking … good word. I like saying it, sounds a little rude, no?